Geothermal Aquaculture Facilities
Our unique production facility has extensive quantities of warm artesian groundwater that flows through deep bedrock to our site from the mountains around Arrowhead Lake to the north. It is one of the largest intensive warm water fish culture facilities in the country.
96 circular concrete production tanks are available that are up to 40 feet in diameter, each tank with a capacity of up to 50,000 gallons. A liquid oxygen injection system has been developed to maintain dissolved oxygen levels at saturation concentrations to meet the respiratory needs of the fish and to allow them to be held at optimal densities to produce the highest quality fish possible.
Research facilities also are located at our 160 acre aquaculture operation near Palm Springs, California. System engineers, experienced fish culturists, and water quality experts are employed at this facility where complete water chemistry and pathology fish health laboratories are available.
- Advanced water treatment systems to maximize fish health
- Preconditioning systems for water quality control
- Production tank have dedicated feed storage tanks facilitating multiple feedings each day
- Advanced water treatment and recycling systems conserve valuable groundwater
- Three large nursery buildings allow for yearround production of fingerlings
- Our location in an ggricultural valley is ideal for both pond and tank culture of high-value species
- Facilty is located in Coachella Valley near the Salton Sea
- Fish hatchery building
- Large circular raceway tank has a capacity of one-half million gallons