Kent SeaTech specializes in producing the highest quality fish for sale in live markets. Our fish survive longer in your tanks, have better appearance and are bigger, healthier, cleaner and richer in flavor than any other farm raised fish on the market. They are even better quality than their wild caught cousins. This means Kent SeaTech’s fish are not only your most profitable alternative, but also allows you to offer a premium fish to your customers.

Founded in 1972 by Jack Van Olst and Jim Carlberg
Two scientists who directed a major aquaculture research program at San Diego State University and several SDSU aquaculture projects located at Scripps Institution of Oceanography during 1970-1979. Mike Massingill, a highly regarded fish culturist, joined the company in 1980.

Kent SeaTech aquacultural engineers have designed and constructed some of the largest intensive culture systems in the U.S.
Our unique production facility has extensive quantities of warm artesian groundwater that flows through deep bedrock to our site from the mountains around Arrowhead Lake to the north. It is one of the largest intensive warm water fish culture facilities in the country. 96 circular concrete production tanks are available that are up to 40 feet in diameter, each tank with a capacity of up to 50,000 gallons.